Important Clinic Update
We are pleased to announce that we have resumed our full treatment options for chiropractic care and massage. We have opened up to our full opening hours and looking forward to seeing you all.
We are also opening back up to those who have been shielding or living with shielders, although special arrangements are being made for these individuals. Please make sure you let us know if you fall into this category when you call to book your appointment.
Although we are resuming a normal service this does not mean a return to business as usual yet. We want to reassure you that we have undertaken a full risk assessment in light of COVID-19 and have adapted and changed our clinic procedures to ensure maximum safety for our patients and team. You will notice some changes before and during your appointment. Full details of them can be found here. If you have any questions at any point please contact us.
We have spaced appointment times to keep the number of people in the clinic at any one time to a minimum and to allow for our enhanced cleaning protocols. This means that our capacity for appointments is slightly reduced.
We are guided and governed by the General Chiropractic Council, Scottish Chiropractic Association and the Royal College of Chiropractors and are upholding and abiding by their guidelines.
If you would like to make an appointment please phone the clinic on 0131 339 9451. We can then talk with you, go through a few questions and guide you through your visit to the clinic.
Please keep up to date with changes in the clinic by following us on social media on Facebook, Instagram (@corstorphinechiro), Twitter (@corstorphnchiro) and or our website.

Following the Scottish government’s guidance we are opening for routine chiropractic appointments and massage from 22nd July. We set out the following measures to protect patients, staff and the wider community.
- We sent all non-essential staff home.
- We are asking everyone to not attend clinic and cancel if they exhibit the symptoms of a high temperature, new or continuous cough, change in sense of smell, rash or if you think you might have been exposed to coronavirus.
- We are sign-posting current government recommendations for your information in our clinic and on our social media.
- Upon arrival and departure from the clinic we insist upon hand-washing and/or anti-bacterial hand gel.
- We ask that all patients wear a mask or face covering in the clinic.
- We are washing all gowns and towels with antimicrobial wash.
- Clinical staff will be wearing PPE required according to our governing bodies requirements.
- Social distancing guidelines will be followed where possible. (obviously this is not possible during hands-on treatment)
- We are disinfecting all contact surfaces between each patient visit in treatment rooms and reception.
- We are regularly cleaning our reception room, changing rooms and lavatory.
- Use of air purification units in each treatment room.
- All practitioners are regularly washing their hands and monitoring/protecting their own, and their family’s health.
- We have arranged seating in reception to allow appropriate distance between patients and removed all re-useable reading material including leaflets, magazines and newspapers.
- We have set up social distancing measures inside and outside the clinic should patients overlap.
- We are using online forms to minimise time spent inside the building.
- Our ‘at risk’ patients (pregnant, over 70’s, health condition, weakened immune system) are welcome to phone us for advice and we will do our best to help you. If you do require care we will make arrangements for you to arrive and leave with minimal human contact and exposure.
- While we are taking every precaution to limit your exposure to coronavirus, we cannot guarantee that there is no risk as a result of attending our clinic for treatment. We will request and record your verbal and written consent in your treatment notes.
We are here to help, all questions, concerns and suggestions warmly welcomed!