This bank holiday might seem like the perfect opportunity to get out; get active and spend some time in the garden. Every year we have an influx of sore post-bank holiday gardeners! Spinal care when gardening go hand in hand! Here are some top tips to help you stay safe and supple and keep you gardening all summer long. Often people jump straight back in to heavy digging and lifting straight after their winter hibernation. Make sure you build up the amount you do in each session, and include plenty of brakes for rehydrating!
Of course, if you do suffer a mishap in the garden, or elsewhere, one of the team will be delighted to check you over. Call our Edinburgh chiropractic clinic on 0131 339 9451 to schedule an appointment.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms after a long session in the garden, then be sure to get in touch with our lovely team of chiropractors in Scotland to help you get back on your feet, or read some of our notes on these common gardener ailments:
Don’t forget, good spinal care when gardening is incredibly important to consider in order to avoid injury.